
Published Papers

How Do Investors Respond to Targets' Interim Earnings?

with Rita Gunn and Miles Romney

The Accounting Review, (2023) 98 (7): 211-238.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Abnormal Executive Compensation

with Jonghan Park, Tianming Zhang, and Yonghang Jia

Journal of Accounting Literature, (2023) 45 (3): 497-522.

A Test of Income Smoothing Using Pseudo Fiscal Years
with Dirk Black and Wayne Thomas
Management Science, (2022) 68 (7): 5533-5555.

Why Firms Announce Good News  Late: Earnings Management and Financial Reporting Timeliness
with Mark Kim and Ira Yeung
Contemporary Accounting Research, (2021) 38 (4): 2691-2722.

The Effect of Mandatory Disclosure on Market Inefficiencies: Evidence from FASB Statement No. 161
with John Campbell and Urooj Khan
The Accounting Review, (2021) 96 (2): 153-176.

The Predictability of Future Aggregate Earnings Growth and the Relation between Aggregate Analyst Recommendation Changes and Future Returns
with Bruce Billings and Sami Keskek
The Accounting Review, (2021) 96 (1): 41-66.

Determinants and Consequences of Firms' Derivative Accounting
Journal of Financial Reporting, (2020) 5 (1): 81-114.

A Review of Derivatives Research in Accounting and Suggestions for Future Work
with John Campbell and Landon Mauler
Journal of Accounting Literature, Volume 42, June 2019, pg 44-60.

Non-GAAP Reporting following Debt Covenant Violations
with Theodore Christensen, Hang Pei, and Liang Tan
Review of Accounting Studies, Volume 24, Issue 2, June 2019, pg 629-664.

Working Papers

Post-Litigation Reporting Conservatism
with Frank Heflin (University of Georgia), Mark Kim (University of California Los Angeles), and James R. Moon (Georgia Institute of Technology)
(Preparing for 3rd round review to Review of Accounting Studies)

Labor Unionization and non-GAAP Reporting
with Riddha Basu (George Washington University) and Gary Chen (DePaul University)
(Preparing for 3rd round review to Review of Accounting Studies)

The Effect of Investor Inattention on non-GAAP Disclosure
with Riddha Basu (George Washington University) and Andrew Stephan (University of Colorado)
(Preparing for 3rd round review to Journal of Financial Reporting)

Big Bath Accounting following Natural Disasters
with Yingmei Cheng (Louisiana State University), Jonghan Park (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen), and Tianming Zhang (Florida State University)

Why do Firms Voluntarily Delay Adoption of Accounting Standards? Evidence from the JOBS Act
with William Cather (Florida State University) and Andrea Tillet (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Does Media Coverage Affect Investor Attention across Economically Linked Firms?
with Bruce Billings (Florida State University), Zahn Bozanic (Florida State University), and Alyssa Moore (Indiana University)